Just when you have completely given up all hope, I come back in the nic of time...right? Probably not.
Here's how life is treating me right now...
Basically, my life is slowly changing. Friendships are changing. Work is changing. And my diet is changing (I can explain). The majority of my close friends have all moved away from the comfort of my college town; the town that I still live in. It has never been more true that it is not the location that makes the memories, but the people. I think the only exception to this for me would be Italy. I could definitely have a good time by myself in Italy. People seem to be posting pictures on Facebook daily of their European adventures. It makes me miss Italy terribly. I hope to return to that beautiful country in the very near future.
Two of my good friends are now married. Another one bites the dust. Many friends are off on adventures in random towns chasing all sorts of different dreams. It seems that the generation I'm growing up in is less motivated to fall into the so called "American Dream" lifestyle. We are said to be the richest generation, meaning, we are coming out of college from families that are more wealthy than past generations to come out of college. Because of this, we are less likely to immediately jump into the working force and bang out the 8 to 5 grind, or in my case, 730 to 530 grind. There is a huge pull for me to run strait away from this "day to day" grind, but when I step back and look at my surroundings, I continue to be amazed by the many many blessings that God has brought into my life. So in the big scheme of things, I'm pretty content with my current life surroundings and conditions. I really have no basis to complain about anything. However, I do miss my close friends that have all slowly started to move away.
My diet is crazy these days. I'm trying to eat healthier; a lot more fruit and vegetables. I'm trying to stay away from candy since I just got a bad result from the dentist the other week. Who would have thought a college life of Mountain Dews and Sour Patch Kids would result in cavities? But seriously, I feel like I have a parasite. I am hungry all the time. Am I eating for two? When I wake up, I feel like I could eat a huge breakfast. By the time I get to work, its snack time. Then there's lunch. After lunch, there is snack time. Around 4pm, it's second snack time. Get home, eat a pre-dinner snack, then there's dinner. Don't forget desert. And then, I normally go to bed with the thought of "I could go for a hamburger right about now." Do I feed this need? Of course I do. I'm young and I don't want to miss out on a potential second growth spurt...
Music Update! Coldplay put out a new single...it's ridiculous. Can't wait for more.
Every Tear Is a Waterfall by Coldplay
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