Quick Resolutions Update:
-No Carbonated Beverages - I've had a couple, only a couple. However, for the most part, I'm staying very strong with this resolution. I've taken a liking to hot tea. It's a very strange drink and I'm very puzzled by it. The best way I can describe my experience with it is, it embodies a single flavor of pure "hot." That is is...all I taste is hot. And I know what you are thinking, "hot is not a flavor, unless we are talking about wings." But really, if you've ever been outside during the summer when it's is blazing hot, and you've wondered, "I wonder what this temperature would taste like?" Go drink hot tea. It's the flavor of hot. Welcome to my brain.
-Half Marathon - I have paid. I am running. I am excited. I would have run today but I don't have any snow running shoes.
-Writing More - Exhibit A
-Read More - I read a lot of emails this week...does that count? I'm going to start turning on subtitles on the TV, that will help this resolution.
-Adventure - getting to work this week was definitely an adventure.
-Have fun at work - worked from home two days this week because of inclement weather...super fun.
*I will continue to keep you posted on my resolutions as the year progresses.
Back to my blog thoughts...so recently I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what I would like to be doing when I'm 40 or 55 or 68. And the overwhelming thought consensus is, I want to be helping people. I honestly have no idea what that means or what that looks like. A lot of times, when I think about helping people, it involves "things." The giving of "things." The buying of "things." The sharing of "things." When I look at my life and look around me, I have so many "things." Sometimes I feel like it is unnecessary. The world tells me I don't have enough "things." The guy who broke into my car told me he likes my "things." And Obama told me that "my things are his things." Whoops got political. In my spiralling mind, I've become interested in the idea of a single suitcase. "The Single Suitcase Challenge." What would it be like to be able to live out of a single suitcase? How different would my life be? Would it be more real? By that, I mean, would I be less consumed with this world and more consumed by what is to come? I can't help but say yes, completely. It is a scary thought to leave everything, or sell everything, in order to simplify your life to the point that all you have is in your suitcase. The world we live in almost makes this impossible. Maybe the suitcase can just be figurative. I want to live my life where the possessions I hold dear to and put my importance in are found in my mind, thoughts, and heart. If I put my importance in too many things, how are they truly important? I want my importance to fit in a suitcase. By suitcase I mean duffel bag, with wheels, and my initials embroidered on it, with an American flag.
Song of the Blog: This band is steadily becoming more popular as people realize that music like this; beautiful, deep, complicated music; is truly just that. Turn this song up.
Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More
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