Do you ever find yourself apologizing entirely too much. I mean, a good apology is needed every now and then, but the word "sorry" really looses its punch when its repeated over and over like a broken Akon record. Thought I'd share...enough life lessons.
The past couple of weekends, myself and friends have been embarking on numerous outdoor adventures around the great area we live. I can't tell you where I live or I'll be stalked and hunted down due to the major fame that I've accumulated over the past months with this first. Short there have been all these stories about girls getting kidnapped and abducted and rapped and other bad things due to posting too much information on facebook or twitter. People are getting mad at facebook for divulging too much personal information. Well people, maybe we should analyze the situation a little bit deeper. If you (young girl) post on twitter, "Going running, on this trail, at this time, blah blah blah, won't have mace on me, blah blah blah..." you are just asking for trouble. I'm sorry (not sorry), but that's dumb. Its terrible that we can't be that open with people but its the world we live in. I'm thinking about taking up a new hobby...trying to find if I have any stalkers. I'm going to start posting very descriptive activities of what I'm about to do and see if anyone secretly shows up to "run" into me. What they don't know, is that I'll be hiding in the bushes waiting to jump out and take a Polaroid picture of their reaction. Why a Polaroid you say? So they can have an immediate souvenir, and I think its one of man's greatest achievements...that and the microwave. So that short detour turned into a 3 hour roadblock...sorry (not sorry).
Where was I...oh yes...crazy adventures of the grown, boring, working stiff. This past weekend we went to a cool little swimming hole in the middle of nowhere. I would tell you where it was but I don't really know and its a secret...
Bazillions of years of water flow
Coming up on the swimming hole and waterfalls. The river actually goes under ground from here and comes back up about 1/2 mile down the dry river bed.
Nothing better...
Its recently been a good couple of weeks for music in my life. This is blog's song does great things for my heart. Hope you enjoy."The Outsiders" by Needtobreathe
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