One week down...the Lord only knows how many to go. My first week working for Wal-mart is officially complete and I'm about to enter my second. When I was not completely overwhelmed with all the new information I was learning and realizing I needed to learn, I was having a lot of fun on the job. My coworkers are hilarious and full of great stories. Never a dull moment at corporate Wal-mart. My second day of work I got lost downstairs in the building. Listen folks, this is no ordinary building. This place is huge. It a self-sustaining small city confined within colorful walls. I came in a different door than I did the first day, trying to be cool and fit in. Dumb. I spent the next 10 minutes trying to find the right stairwell to take to the second floor...actually I just spent 10 minutes trying to find a stairwell. I have a name badge so of course I was just trying to act natural about it all while continuing a fast walk just like everyone else. I finally found a stairwell and of course it took me to some random location on the second floor. The true adventure then began. I was in the middle of cubicle city...all looking the exact same. Luckily every one's desk has their name on it...unluckily I am but a tiny piece in the Wal-mart machine and therefore don't have a name over my desk yet....perfect. After 10 more minutes and a lot of "good mornings" I found my desk. HURRAHHHH!! Good news though, I got paid trying to find my desk!! Score!!
Great things have been happening since I've been back in Fayetteville...where God lives. Spent some great time rock climbing in beautiful country side and some good down time with friends. Life is good.
Well if you were unaware, a great day this year of our Lord 2010 was June 8th. Why you ask? Well for one, it was the day of my birth. But more importantly, Hanson released a new album. I know what you are thinking...."OOMBOM!!" And those are good thoughts. You should probably give this new cd a chance. Me suggesting that might take all accreditation away from this famous blog...but guess can't lose something you didn't have. Therefore, song of the blog = Thinking Bout Somethin by Hanson off of their new album Shout it Out. Enjoy!! Choreography is pretty much amazing...along with overall theme of music video. Hanson, you never cease to amaze me.
I will vouch for that. Hanson's CD is rockin'.